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Letter from the Vicar

Dear Friends,

I have become increasingly concerned that as a nation we just aren’t very good at being kind to each other and with Valentines Day this month, maybe we could all make February our “Kindness Month”! So here is what Jesus said about how we should treat each other: “Love one another” John 15:12 & 17.

There is not one person that Jesus does not love and he calls us all to love one another as he has loved us. For some of us it is so hard to do! But it doesn’t have to be a big thing. If we give a glass of water to someone who is thirsty, we love in the same way Jesus would. If we smile at someone, it may be the only smile they receive all day or all week. Caring for others comes very naturally to many people, but for others it is something that we have to determine to do. One of the things that Jesus loves most is kindness. And acts of kindness happen in a moment. Taking the time to phone someone you know who is hurting, writing someone a quick note or inviting someone to brunch at the ‘Street Kitchen’ on a Friday or Saturday morning at Credenhill Community Hall, are all ways of acting out kindness and showing love. There are many ways to show someone our love for them but it helps to be understanding of the people we are particularly concerned about, so that we can brighten their day with a little with a random act of meaningful kindness.

It might be that our “Kindness Month” develops into a “Kindness Year” and we all become better people because of it! I will be interested to hear how you all do!

With every Blessing, Rana


Funeral: 18th December 2018 Laurence Wyndham Gibbs age 56yrs (Cremated).

Services for February are

3rd 11.00am Holy Communion

10th 11.00am All Age Worship

17th 11.00am Holy Communion

24th 11.00am Holy Communion




On 11th December Y2 & Y6 sang carols at Wyevale Garden Centre in aid of the ‘Hands Around The World’ Charity raising £52.76.

The children sang beautifully and we have received messages from families of the children and the public to say that their performance was brilliant.

Thank you to everyone who came along to support the children and well done to the children for a wonderful performance.

On 13th December our KS2 choir visited Headway
& Credenhill Court. We have received feedback
from both venues to say that the children’s performances were beautiful
and certainly put everyone in the festive spirit.

Year 4 & Year 5 attended the ‘Nativity Service’ at Hereford Cathedral on the 11th December. The children sang a beautiful rendition of ‘Mary Did You Know’ to the congregation and enjoyed the service which included a very
well behaved donkey!

On Thursday 17th January, Class 5 performed in the Genting Arena in Birmingham along with thousands of other school children from across the region.  This was a fantastic opportunity for all the children. The trip to Birmingham also included visits a Hindu Temple and a Sikh Gurdwara.


Tuesdays 6.30-7.30pm £5 per class


07/02/19 World Book Day
18-22/02/19 Half Term
03-05/04/19 Y4 Manor Adventure Trip
12-29/04/19 Easter Holiday
21/05/19 Cultural Diversity Day
21-24/05/19 Y6 London Trip
27-31/05/19 Half Term
24/06/19 Sports Day
28/06/19 Armed services Day
16/07/19 Y6 Leavers’ Service
18/07/19 Last day of Summer term

If you would like to come and visit us you will be made more than welcome by our staff and our children. Please contact Claire Ross, our Business Manager, or Emma Milne, our Admin Assistant on (01432) 760408 to arrange a mutually convenient time.

St Michael’s Hospice Community Forum Facebook

For those who use social media, St Michael’s Hospice has launched a community forum on Facebook.

It is a closed group for supportive conversation between families, patients and people connected to the Hospice.

If you think you might benefit from this group, you can request to join by searching ‘St Michael’s Hospice Community Forum’ on the Facebook search icon, and then click ‘Groups’.

St Michael’s Hospice Big Spring Walk

Big Spring Walk – Sunday 17th March, 2019:

Spring will soon be with us.

Celebrate this wonderful time of year by enjoying a stroll through our glorious, scenic countryside.

The St Michael’s Hospice Big Spring Walk guides you along your choice of four circular routes (2k, 5k, 11k, 16k), all beginning at Fownhope Recreation Ground.

Your walk will be fully signposted, and our team of marshals will be positioned along the paths ready to help you on your way.

There is no cost for this event as long as places are booked in advance online at

St Michael’s Hospice Plant Fair

St Michael’s Hospice Plant Fair, Friday 3rd May and Saturday 4th May 2019, 10.30am-4pm. St Michael’s Hospice, Bartestree, HR1 4HA

Can you help? If you enjoy gardening and are able to grow some extra plants to donate to us to sell at our Plant Fair, please get in touch with Gaynor by telephone 01432 852 630 or email

If you make and/or sell garden-related products and would like to have a pitch at the Fair, please contact Gaynor to find out more details.

Section 137 spending limit for 2019/20

The Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government has advised that the appropriate sum for the purpose of section 137(4)(a) of the Local Government Act 1972 for parish and town councils in England for 2019-20 is £8.12.

This is the amount that results from increasing the amount of 2018-19 (£7.86) by the percentage increase in the retail index between September 2017 and September 2018, in accordance with Schedule 12B to the 1972 Act.

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