Planning Applications
Credenhill Parish Council plays an active part in all local planning applications. The Parish Council has a planning committee that will write to neighbours affected by any planning application informing them of their rights.
It is probably the area of the Council’s role that is best known to the community and which can be of the most importance. However, all planning application decisions are ultimately made by the planning department within Herefordshire Council. There is a lot of useful information on their website to help developers, homeowners and neighbours during the planning process.
If you are planning to make changes to your home that requires planning permission, be it: an extension to the house, additional outbuildings or erecting a fence next to the pubic foot path; then it is best practice to speak with neighbours prior to submitting a formal application this can help resolve minor issues prior to final plans being submitted. Its also important to remember that everyone is entitled to there own opinion and view regarding a particular planning application; these views can be freely expressed throughout the 21 day consultation period following the formal planning application, you can comment on the Herefordshire Council website or write to them.
Ultimately Herefordshire Council will put all views together along with the criteria set out in the Herefordshire Local Plan Core Strategy and make there decision based on this. Once a decision is made it is possible to appeal that decision if you feel that you have good reason to, details of how to do this are found here.
A complete list of all planning applications relating to the Credenhill Parish can be found on Herefordshire Council’s planning page of their website.