Tribute to Jeremy Daw
It is with great shock and sadness that we received the news about Jeremy losing his life whist attending a 999 call on Saturday.
Jeremy Daw (Jack to his friends and colleagues) is well known in the village of Credenhill. He would often be seen walking his little Jack Russell, Siwa, with a cheerful smile and time to stop and talk to everyone.
He served the community not only as a Paramedic for almost 30 years, but also in the Territorial Army and for some years on the Parish Council in the 90’s and as Editor of the Credenhill Community News. He was a member of the Credenhill Social and Sports Club. He was a keen metal detectorist, and had recently purchased a new detector. Together with a friend he discovered a hoard of Roman coins near Kimbolton in 2013 and has helped to create and promote their display at nearby Stockton Bury Gardens, to share his joy of the discovery. More recently he was able to expand his local history knowledge and become an enthusiastic guide of Hereford City, sharing his love of history. You may have seen him restoring one of several historic mileposts in the County, including the one in Credenhill (Read Jeremy’s Article), Indeed he was enthusiastic about everything he did.
Jeremy was very much a family man, he and his wife Dawn made sure to build lasting memories for the children and grandchildren. They holidayed all together every year, at home or abroad in his beloved Greece. He will be missed terribly and remembered well by so many of us.
The Parish Council would like to thank Jeremy for everything that he has done for the local community, our thoughts are with his family and friends at this difficult time.