The CLIMB Project
CLIMB is a commissioned service, run by The Children’s Society, which seeks to deliver an early intervention and prevention service for those at risk of being criminally exploited.
Mark Roberts, CLIMB Project Lead, will be holding a briefing on the 21 September 2020 commencing at 2.00pm to let you know about the project, how to make referrals and what benefits / services are provided for the young people who are referred.
To book your free place please email
Service for 10-17 years olds at risk of Child Criminal Exploitation (CCE)
The service will work with 10-17 year olds and is a pan-West Mercia service. Climb offers a ‘trusted adult’ to engage with the young person in order to provide support and education on the Child Criminal Exploitation (CCE) risks. In addition, with both existing provision and through seeking to develop new opportunities within your local areas, that trusted adult will seek to divert the young person into an activity with both positive peers and adult role models. These activities will include sport, but will also cater for those young persons who are not sport orientated such as dance, arts and vocational training.
Who can refer?
This service enables anyone to make a referral: police, partner agencies, third sector agencies, peer and self referral.
How to refer into the service?
The link at will take you directly to the landing page of Climb. From this page you can access the referral form. You can then forward your completed referral form to
What is the criteria for referral?
- Those missing education, excluded, not in training or employment (NEET)
- Those going missing with indications they are being ‘pulled’ into an environment where they would be susceptible to CCE – as early as the first missing episode
- Intel/arrest for possession of class A drugs
- Intel/arrest for possession of weapons/knives
- Those engaging in ASB
- Those at risk of entering the Criminal Justice System.
For any further information, I would encourage you initially to view the website, which is a good informative source. Please also contact me for any clarity required.
Author: Mark Roberts, Climb Project Lead, OPCC, 07772 896312