October & November flooding
Herefordshire Council appreciates what a difficult time this has been for people recently and has launched hardship schemes to residents and businesses whose homes or businesses have been flooded. This includes a Community Flood Recovery Grant worth £500 to each affected household. In order to qualify for the assistance, flood water must have entered the habitable areas of their property, or the residence has been considered unliveable for any period of time due to flooding. Alongside this is a Business Flood Recovery Grant, which will provide up to £2,500 per eligible small and medium-sized business. To qualify, businesses must be able to demonstrate that they have directly impacted or have directly suffered a loss of trade as a result of the flooding that cannot be recovered from insurance.
Please can you let people in your area know that the application process has now opened and that they can apply online at www.herefordshire.gov.uk/floods.
In addition, I can also confirm that 100% Council Tax discount is available for 3 months for primary residence where, as a result of the relevant weather event:
- Flood water entered into the habitable areas; OR
- Flood water did not enter into the habitable areas, but the local authority regards that the residence was otherwise considered unliveable for any period of time, for example:
- where access to the property is severely restricted (e.g. upper floor flats with no access);
- key services such as sewerage, draining, and electricity are severely affected;
- the adverse weather has resulted in other significant damage to the property such that it would be, or would have been, advisable for residents to vacate the premises for any period of time.
Furthermore, 100% business rate discount for 3 months (up to state aid de minimis levels) is available for primary residence in the following circumstances:
- The hereditament was directly impacted by the relevant weather event – for instance flood damage to the property, equipment, and/or stock; or; the business could not function due to lack of access to premises, equipment and/or stock as a result of the relevant weather event, and no alternatives were available; AND
- On that day business activity undertaken at the hereditament was adversely affected as a result; AND
- On that day the rateable value of the hereditament was less than £10 million.
Again, please can you let people in your area know that if the above criteria is satisfied, they can email counciltax@herefordshire.gov.uk or businessrates@herefordshire.gov.uk who will arrange for a visiting officer to attend the property to verify the situation.
We are aware that not everyone who suffered from flooding contacted the emergency services or the council for help and so would like to encourage anybody who has been affected by flooding to get in touch and report any issues online at www.herefordshire.gov.uk/floods