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Invitation to Tender – 2023/24 Newsletter Printing Contract

Credenhill Parish Council


Newsletter Printing Contract 2023/24

Documents are available to download from HERE.

Prospective contractors should return their completed tender document(s) by TUESDAY 28th February 2023. Contracts will be awarded on THURSDAY 2nd Februry 2023.

Signed Lee Harper-Smith (Clerk to the Council) 59 Glebe Close, Credenhill, Hereford. HR4 7EX Tel 07956 447 056

Invitation to Tender – 2023/24 Grounds Maintenance Contracts

Credenhill Parish Council


Grass Cutting Contract 2023/24
Hedge Trimming & Tree Maintenance Contract 2023/24
Weed Control Contract 2023/24

Documents are available to download from HERE.

Prospective contractors should return their completed tender document(s) by TUESDAY 28th February 2023. Contracts will be awarded on THURSDAY 2nd Februry 2023.

Signed Lee Harper-Smith (Clerk to the Council) 59 Glebe Close, Credenhill, Hereford. HR4 7EX Tel 07956 447 056

Notice of conclusion of audit 2021/22

Credenhill Parish Council

Notice of conclusion of audit
Annual Governance & Accountability Return for the year ended 31 March 2022

Sections 20(2) and 25 of the Local Audit and Accountability Act 2014
Accounts and Audit Regulations 2015 (SI 2015/234)

The audit of accounts for Credenhill Parish Council for the year ended 31 March 2022 has been completed and the accounts have been published.

The Annual Governance & Accountability Return is available for inspection by any local government elector of the area of Credenhill Parish Council on application to:

Mr. L Harper-Smith
Credenhill Parish Clerk
59 Glebe Close

Tuesdays – 9:00 to 15:30
Wednesdays – 13:00 to 16:30 then 19:00 to 22:00
Thursdays – 9:00 to 15:30

Copies will be provided to any person on payment of £FOC for each copy of the Annual Governance & Accountability Return.

Announcement made by: Lee Harper-Smith Parish Clerk & RFO

Date of announcement: 18th August 2022

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