Meeting Attendance Booking
Members of the press and public are invited to attend the Parish Council meetings.
To attend these meetings you will be required to pre-book a place in advance.
This is because the Community Hall has a limit on how many people we are able to accommodate; this figure will depend on a number of factors; for example if 2 members of the same household wish to attend then more people will be able to attend than if those 2 individuals have to socially distance.
We also have a duty to protect our staff, members of the council, speakers and others who are present at the meetings.
In addition we can mange the amount of paperwork that we print for each meeting my knowing in advance how many people to expect.
Data protection information about how your personal data will be used can be found here; any data collected for this event will be irrecoverably disposed of 21 days after the meeting has taken place.
To book a place in the meeting please complete the below form, it is important that each person wanting to attend books in using the form.