Full List from Credenhill and District
Gave their lives
Albert Cox | William Holton | Hubert Postings |
Gilbert Griffiths | Herman Izzard | Leonard Preece |
John Griffiths Snr | Frederick Jones | Henry Pulling |
John Griffiths Jnr | William Lucas | John Thornton |
Reginald Hall | Roland Morgan | Thomas Watkins |
Served and returned (42)
Benjamin Bayman | Leonard Herbert | William Morris |
Percy Batten | Arthur Holton | Charles Parker |
Edward Beauchamp | Thomas Holton | Edgar Phelps |
Alphons Brems | William Holton | Alfred Postings |
Gustave Brems | Chrinton Howard | James Postings |
Alfred Chandler | Philip Huggins | Peregrine Prince Dso |
David Crichton | Thomas Jones | Frederick Pulling |
James Cuthbert Dsomc | John Joseph Mc | Ernest Robinson |
Albert Downs | Alfred Lane | Charles Stock |
William Downs | William Lucas | Hubert Taylor |
Joseph Frederick | George Meadows | Pryce Thornton |
Arthur Goodwin | Roland Morgan | Sydney Thornton |
Henry Goodwin | Thomas Morgan Mc | George Watkins |
Gilbert Hall | Albert Morris | George Whitcome |